Admin GUI
Installation and usage
The interface has been developed with the Angular framework, so you need to have Node.js installed on your machine in order to run the web application. Once you have Node.js installed you need to install the Angular CLI. Open a command line and run:
npm install -g @angular/cli
Open the /src/assets/config/config.json file and update the configuration in order to match yours.
Run the web application
Using the Angular CLI:
ng serve
Using the npm script (which use the Angular CLI):
npm run start
Build the application
We defined in the package.json two scripts that can build the application. One that generates an optimized build and the other an unoptimized build. The optimized build takes longer than the normal one. Those two scripts contain an option --max_old_space_size=<nb of max RAM octets the node process can take>. Make sure the number does not exceed your RAM capacity (you can simply remove the option, it will use the default value: 512mb on 32-bit systems and 1gb on 64-bit systems). By incrising the node process memory limit we decrease the build time.
For development environment (not optimized)
npm run build:dev
For production environment (optimized)
npm run build:prod
Build and deploy with Docker
The related files are:
- docker-compose.yml which indicates what Dockerfile should be used, what image is going to be build, volumes, exposed port...
- Dockerfile which describe the steps to build the docker image.
Some environment variables need to be set before building or running the image. Use the appropriate command to set those variables: SET on Windows, export on Linux.
export TAG=<version>
export ADMIN_GUI_BIND_PORT=<port the application should be running on>
Then to build the image run:
docker-compose build --build-arg conf=prod admin-gui #you can change prod to dev if you don't want an optimized build
Once the image is built on your machine, run the following command to start a container:
docker-compose --project-name admin-gui up