S1 | Authentication | ... | [Link](../components/services/authentication.md) | Allowing users to create accounts and to perform logins and logouts | A3, S5
S2 | Changelog | [Link](https://gitlab.alpha.grandlyon.com/refonte-data/service-changelog) | ... | Keeping track of the new features available to users throughout the developments|
S2 | Changelog | [Link](https://gitlab.alpha.grandlyon.com/refonte-data/service-changelog) | [Link](../components/services/changelog.md) | Keeping track of the new features available to users throughout the developments|
S3 | Credits | ... | ... | Catalog of the Open Source initiatives powering the data.grandlyon.com project | S6 |
S4 | CSV Catalog Downloader | ... | ... | Allowing users to download cached CSV exports of the metadata catalog | C3 |
S5 | Mail | ... | [Link](../components/services/mail.md) | Sending e-mails to both end- and back-office users | A6