C4 | MapServer | WMS and MVT Server | off-the-shelf | [Link](https://mapserver.org/)
The latter components being provided by the Core macro-component of the data.grandlyon.com platform, their development is beyond the scope of this project.
@@ -91,28 +91,28 @@ The latter components being provided by the Core macro-component of the data.gra
M1 | Legacy AUTH | TS | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/middlewares/legacy-auth.md) | [Link](../components/middlewares/legacy-auth.md) | Facilitating the interaction between the Web Portal Authentication Service (S1) and the AUTHN/AUTHZ Service (C1) hosted by data.grandlyon.com's Core macro-component | C1, S5
M1 | Legacy AUTH | Facilitating the interaction between the Web Portal Authentication Service (S1) and the AUTHN/AUTHZ Service (C1) hosted by data.grandlyon.com's Core macro-component | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/middlewares/legacy-auth.md) | [Link](../components/middlewares/legacy-auth.md) | C1, S5
### Proxies
ID | Name | Repo | Doc | Usage | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
P1 | Web Mapping Services | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/proxies/web-mapping-services) | [Link](../components/proxies/web-mapping-services.md) | Proxying requests that the Web Portal performs against the cartographic Web Services (WMS, MVT) hosted by data.grandlyon.com's Core macro-component| A1, C4
ID | Name | Usage | Lang | Repo | Doc | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
P1 | Web Mapping Services| Proxying requests that the Web Portal performs against the cartographic Web Services (WMS, MVT) hosted by data.grandlyon.com's Core macro-component | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/proxies/web-mapping-services) | [Link](../components/proxies/web-mapping-services.md) | A1, C4
The following custom indexers are used to index documents in Elasticsearch (A1) in order to make them full-text searchable.
ID | Name | Repo | Doc | Usage | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
I1 | Editorial Content | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/indexers/editorial-content) | [Link](../components/indexers/editorial-content.md) | Indexing the posts and pages edited via Ghost | A2
I2 | Metadata and Data | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/indexers/metadata-and-data) | [Link](../components/indexers/metadata-and-data.md) | Indexing the metadata and data hosted, respectively, by data.grandlyon.com's catalog (C3) and database (C4) | C3, C4
ID | Name | Usage | Lang | Repo | Doc | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
I1 | Editorial Content | Indexing the posts and pages edited via Ghost | Python | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/indexers/editorial-content) | [Link](../components/indexers/editorial-content.md) | A2
I2 | Metadata and Data | Indexing the metadata and data hosted, respectively, by data.grandlyon.com's catalog (C3) and database (C4) | Python | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/indexers/metadata-and-data) | [Link](../components/indexers/metadata-and-data.md) | C3, C4
### Tools
ID | Name | Repo | Doc | Usage | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
T1 | MinIO master-slave replication tool | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/tools/minio-master-slave-mirror) | [Link](../components/tools/minio-master-slave-mirror.md) | Replicating/mirroring the assets stored in one "master" instance of MinIO to some other "slave" instances | A5
ID | Name | Usage | Python | Repo | Doc | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
T1 | MinIO master-slave replication tool | Replicating/mirroring the assets stored in one "master" instance of MinIO to some other "slave" instances | Python | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/tools/minio-master-slave-mirror) | [Link](../components/tools/minio-master-slave-mirror.md) | A5
S1 | Authentication | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/authentication) | [Link](../components/services/authentication.md) | Allowing users to create accounts and to perform logins and logouts | A3, S5
S2 | Changelog | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/changelog) | [Link](../components/services/changelog.md) | Keeping track of the new features available to users throughout the developments|
S3 | Credits | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/credits) | [Link](../components/services/credits.md) | Catalog of the Open Source initiatives powering the data.grandlyon.com project | |
S4 | CSV Catalog Downloader | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/csv-catalog-downloader) | [Link](../components/services/csv-catalog-downloader.md) | Allowing users to download cached CSV exports of the metadata catalog | C3 |
S5 | Mailer | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/mailer) | [Link](../components/services/mailer.md) | Sending e-mails to both end- and back-office users | A6
S6 | Media Library | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/media-library) | [Link](../components/services/media-library.md) | Managing the images shown across the various pages of the Web Portal (organizations, posts, ...) |
S7 | Organizations | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/organizations) | [Link](../components/services/organizations.md) | A catalog of the partners of the data.grandlyon.com, typically Data Providers | S6
S8 | Resources Helper | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/resources-helper) | [Link](../components/services/resources-helper.md) | Assisting users in the composition of custom queries against the Core APIs |
S9 | Reuses | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/reuses) | [Link](../components/services/reuses.md) | A catalog of the known reuses of the data shared through data.grandlyon.com | S6
S10 | Social Media Share Helper | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/social-media-share-helper) | [Link](../components/services/social-media-share-helper.md) | ... | ...
ID | Name | Usage | Lang | Repo | Doc | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
S1 | Authentication | Allowing users to create accounts and to perform logins and logouts | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/authentication) | [Link](../components/services/authentication.md) | A3, S5
S2 | Changelog | Keeping track of the new features made available to users | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/changelog) | [Link](../components/services/changelog.md) |
S3 | Credits | Catalog of the Open Source initiatives powering the data.grandlyon.com project | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/credits) | [Link](../components/services/credits.md) | |
S4 | CSV Catalog Downloader | Allowing users to download cached CSV exports of the metadata catalog | Python | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/csv-catalog-downloader) | [Link](../components/services/csv-catalog-downloader.md) | C3 |
S5 | Mailer | Sending e-mails to both front- and back-office users | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/mailer) | [Link](../components/services/mailer.md) | A6
S6 | Media Library | Managing the images shown across the various pages of the Web Portal (organizations, posts, ...) | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/media-library) | [Link](../components/services/media-library.md) | |
S7 | Organizations | A catalog of the partners of the data.grandlyon.com, typically Data Providers | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/organizations) | [Link](../components/services/organizations.md) | S6
S8 | Resources Helper | Assisting users in the composition of custom queries against the Core APIs | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/resources-helper) | [Link](../components/services/resources-helper.md) | |
S9 | Reuses | A catalog of the known reuses of the data shared through data.grandlyon.com | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/reuses) | [Link](../components/services/reuses.md) | S6
S10 | Social Media Share Helper | Sharing editorial content on social media | TypeScript | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/services/social-media-share-helper) | [Link](../components/services/social-media-share-helper.md) | A1 |
### Custom applications
ID | Name | Repo | Doc | Usage | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
D1 | Web App | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/custom-apps/web-app) | [Link](../components/custom-apps/web-app/overview.md) | Web Application representing the actual Web Portal as seen by its end-users | S[1,9]
D2 | Admin GUI | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/custom-apps/web-app) | [Link](../components/custom-apps/admin-gui.md) | Back-office oriented web application allowing users to administrate some of the editorial content as well as the configuration of some functionality | S[1,3], S[6,9]
ID | Name | Usage | Lang | Repo | Doc | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
D1 | Web App | Web Application representing the actual Web Portal as seen by its end-users | TypeScript, HTML, CSS | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/custom-apps/web-app) | [Link](../components/custom-apps/web-app/overview.md) | S[1,9]
D2 | Admin GUI | Back-office oriented web application allowing users to administrate some of the editorial content as well as the configuration of some functionality | TypeScript, HTML, CSS | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/custom-apps/web-app) | [Link](../components/custom-apps/admin-gui.md) | S[1,3], S[6,9]
### Miscellaneous
ID | Name | Repo | Doc | Usage | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
M1 | Maintenance Page | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/miscellaneous/maintenance-page) | [Link](../components/miscellaneous/maintenance-page.md) | A static HTML page to be used whenever the official site has to go offline because of some maintenance tasks |
ID | Name | Usage | Lang | Repo | Doc | Deps
--- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | ---
M1 | Maintenance Page | A static HTML page to be used whenever the official site has to go offline because of some maintenance tasks | HTML, CSS | [Link](https://forge.grandlyon.com/web-et-numerique/web-et-numerique-internet/data.grandlyon.com/web-portal/components/miscellaneous/maintenance-page) | [Link](../components/miscellaneous/maintenance-page.md) |