*`src/app/`: where the Angular code is located. With time we organized this part in different modules each taking care of one main functionnality. Here is the list of the modules:
*`core/`: constitutes the base of the application (layout, notifications, navigation history...)
*`dataset-details/`: contains the components and logic allowing the display of a dataset information (metadata, data, map...)
*`datasets/`: contains the components and some of the logic related to the research
*`editorialisation/`: contains the components and logic related to the display of editorial content (static pages, articles)
*`map/`: contains the components and logic allowing the display and manipulation of a map
*`shared/`: provides components, directives and others things that can be reused in different modules
*`user/`: contains the components and logic related to the user management in the application (login, logout, user profil...)
*`src/assets/`: contains all the images, favicon, svg, fonts, dynamic config file...
*`src/environments/`: contains files with static configuraton.
*`src/environments/`: contains files with static configuration.
*`src/i18n/`: this folder is dedicated to the translation. The are two types of files: