Portail Data documentation
mkdocs new [dir-name]
- Create a new project. -
mkdocs serve
- Start the live-reloading docs server. -
mkdocs build
- Build the documentation site. -
mkdocs help
- Print this help message.
Setting files hierarchy
inside mkdocs.yml use the key nav: to configure the md files hierarchy
- Home: index.md
- Architecture Guide:
- Admin-gui: architecture/admin-gui.md
- Admin-tools: architecture/admin-tools.md
- Api-gateway: architecture/api-gateway.md
- CMS: architecture/cms.md
- Monitoring: architecture/monitoring.md
- Web-app: architecture/web-app.md
- Service:
- authentification: architecture/service/autentification.md
- Elasticsearch:
- Indexer: architecture/service/elasticsearch/indexer.md
Project layout
mkdocs.yml # The main file and configuration file.
index.md # The documentation homepage.
... # Other markdown pages, images and other files.