[Orientation] - Refactoring de orientation-form-view
Plusieurs bugs trouvés :
in baseSkills, previous button skips the filters
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Structure orientator should be "valid" when coming from prev button
When coming from carto, and booking an appointment for baseSkills, we shouldn't be able to select the structure within carto
Screencast_from_14-08-2024_15_57_31 -
When coming from registry, the structure info aren't showed in orientation recap
When in onlineMediation, after the creation of the appointment, we still need to confirm the exit modale
When selecting a list of structures, in the carto, if we select some structures, then Precédent / Suivant, the structures aren't selected anymore, but we can go to the next page
L'orientation est un mess, en profiter pour faire un refacto
- Reorganized orientation.enums (Common + Tunneling are splitted)
- All orientation needs now have filterForms
- Removed base-skills-choice
- Update currentStep before checking if pages need to be skipped, more understandable